Project Ropa

Project Ropa x Unite to Light

This week (February 1-7, 2021) we are teaming up with Unite to Light to get Solar Chargers into the hands of our unhoused neighbors.

65% of people experiencing homelessness use their cell phones to access medical services and information. 

For the chronically unsheltered, access to a working phone is critical in maintaining effective connections to employment, medical and homeless services. Access to a solar powered light for the unhoused can also assist with safety and ability to improve self-care. 

Libraries, gyms and coffee shops have often been a lifeline to access WiFi and charge a phone. But now many of these places are closed indefinitely or have restricted access to their facilities making it virtually impossible for the unhoused to charge their phones or have a light at night. 

You can help by purchasing a Solar Charger from Unite to Light. For every Charger they sell now thru Sunday, Project Ropa will be able to provide a charger and light to a person experiencing homelessness. 


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